is an urban game providing Augmented Reality experiences. It's an event-based platform that promotes group activities. It supports multi-user activities, making it easier for college students to connect with others. The hand gesture recognition and interaction features increase the fun of playing the treasure hunting game. This is a teamwork project I did for my master's degree - I scored 30+/30 for the final exam.
Insights From Research
We generated some keywords from research which includes the survey, interview and digital ethnography, we were suprised by the results of the GenZ's travel topics: sense of safety, unique experience, socialization...
State of Art
We learned from those common features and decided to create something that has an AR experience but is more immersive and challenging and also has some interesting story scripts.
Prototype Design
Technique specification
A set of hand gestures can be used to interact with the game: pointer gesture, grab gesture and release gesture. These will be introduced at the beginning of the game to teach users how to perform them correctly. We use image recognition as an example to scan a marker, a virtual button that lets the user touch the map to find a hint. Even better, users are allowed to play a rock-paper-scissors game with a statue. In the final step the user can use the release gesture to see a firework animation in AR.
User Test
We invited 14 users from the two test phases with different gender, age, nationality, and familiarity with the city of Milan. We designed 8 tasks in total, we interviewed the users and we let them fill out the SUS after they had completed the task. During the test, we encouraged them to think aloud and explain what they were thinking about.
Team Member
Lin Li : UX Designer
Pietro Lentini: Unity Developer Andrea Manglaviti : Front-end Developer Luca Leoni: Software Engineer Pietro Lentini: Unity Developer Francesco Vona: Supervisor Fabio Catania: Supervisor Pietro Crovari: Supervisor Franca Garzotto: Supervisor
My Keywords
#AR Design
#Unity3D developer & C# programming
#Graphic Design #User research #Quan&Qual Analysis